Be different and visit the motherland of the world; Africa. With some of the most unique and rare creatures to stunning expansive landscapes; there’s no other place to discover the wonders of the world than in the world’s second biggest continent. Here at StudentUniverse we have devised a list of the most enchanting places to visit in Africa. So get your passport ready.
Everything’s new, you’re probably moving away from home for the first time and you’re surrounded by people you’ve never met. The first week at university is normally called ‘Freshers’ Week’ and will be packed through with new places, new activities and new faces. It can be a daunting time for many new students who are probably striking out on their own for the first time, but an exciting time too! One of the main things to remember is that, however confident and ‘at home’ other new students appear, they are probably just as nervous as you. You can prepare yourself beforehand though, by being a bit organised. So here at StudentUniverse we have comprised a list of all things you should expect during freshers week so that you’ll have a better idea of what to expect from your hectic first week at university. (more…)
Well done for completing you’re A-levels, you’re now well on the way into the working world! It’s always a big step going to university but it’s always a bigger step when you’re going away to study. To make things easier, here at StudentUniverse we have comprised a list to help you get you ready to study abroad from everything from the journey between departing from one airport and arriving at the other, dreams and hopes for a better future.
UK Fresher’s Events 2017. This year we’ll be attending to the fresher’s events in the UK! We’re seriously excited about it and can’t wait to meet students at the events.
Whilst at the fairs, we’ll be giving away a huge prize and doing some seriously fun things – but we don’t want to spoil what they’ll be just yet!