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9 Reasons Travelling Can Help You Get a Job of your dreams

When you travel, you won’t only have the time of your life, but you’ll be helping your future job prospects, believe or not, travelling can real help you with your career.

This spring it’s all about Being Different at StudentUniverse, and here are 9 reasons why going travelling can help you Be Different and get a job of your dreams.

1. You’ll Be Different

Going backpacking will help you set yourself out from the thousands of other graduates when it comes to trying to get a job. The experience you’ll gain is simply not available anywhere else and depending on your industry, it can almost be a requirement.

2. You’ll become self-assured and confident

There’s nothing like being thousands of miles away from home with nobody around you to rely on to force you to make your own judgments and decisions. This will help you in the future as you’ll have confidence and belief in your actions.

3. Relaxing after exams and graduation

Going straight from finishing your final exams into finding and starting a job can be incredibly stressful, especially if it doesn’t go to plan the first couple of times. By taking time out, exploring somewhere new and chilling out a bit, you’ll come back with renewed vigor to find a job.

4. Responsibility for a budget

Showing you can be responsible for a tight budget whilst you traveled is a great example of something that’s applicable across nearly every industry. Whether you’re a marketing manager trying to squeeze the most from your months budget, or a finance analyst ensuring you meet targets, budgeting is simply huge.

 5. Broadening your horizons

Not everyone knows what they want to do after University. By travelling and seeing a bit more of the world, you may just find something that you have a true passion for.

6. Job interviews

How many times have you heard the job interview question “tell us a time when you’ve taken responsibility” or “what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done”. We guarantee that when you come back from travelling, you’ll have better answers to this than you could have dreamt of beforehand.

7. Volunteering

Taking the time to volunteer at a project and showing some selflessness can go a very long way when it comes to trying to get a job. It shows you’re willing to give to something without too much requirement for a return, something very attractive to some employers.

8. Learning to Negotiate

Negotiating is a huge part of any job role and there aren’t many better examples of negotiation than being down to your last £2 in Vietnam and needing to put a roof over your head for the night until you can find a cash point.

9. It’s a huge conversation starter

As we’ve shown above, travelling can really help you get a job role. This means that there’s a good number of people in employment right now who have been travelling before. If you have something to engage and talk to these potential employers about, it can be a fantastic asset to you getting the role over another person who hasn’t.

So that’s it, 9 reasons travelling can help you get a job. And this summer, you can win your backpacking trip of a lifetime and help yourself find a job in the future with StudentUniverse’s Be Different campaign. Find out more and enter to win here.

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